North Carolina Medical Board

March 17-19, 2010

1203 Front Street

Raleigh, North Carolina

March 17-19, 2010

Minutes of the Open sessions of the North Carolina Medical Board Meeting held March 17-19, 2010.

The March 17-19, 2010, meeting of the North Carolina Medical Board was held at the Board's Office, 1203 Front Street, Raleigh, NC 27609. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m., Wednesday, March 17, 2010 by Janice E. Huff, MD, President-Elect. Board members in attendance were: George L. Saunders III, MD, Past President; William A. Walker, MD, Secretary/Treasurer; Ms. Pamela Blizzard; Thomas R. Hill, MD; Ms. Thelma Lennon; Ralph C. Loomis, MD, John B. Lewis, Jr., LLB; Peggy R. Robinson, PA-C; Paul S. Camnitz, MD and Karen R. Gerancher, MD. Donald E. Jablonski, President was absent. Also attending were R. David Henderson, Executive Director and Thom Mansfield, Board Attorney.

Miscellaneous Announcements 
Presidential Remarks

Dr. Huff commenced the meeting by reading from the State Government Ethics Act, Òethics awareness and conflict of interest reminder.Ó No conflicts were reported.

Dr. Huff read the oath of office to our newest board member, Dr. Karen Gerancher.

Minute Approval

Motion: A motion passed that the January 20, 2010 and the February 18, 2010 Board Minutes are approved as presented.

Executive DirectorÕs Announcements

Mr. Mansfiled recognized Cindy Harrison on her five year anniversary at the NCMB.

Mr. Henderson reminded the NCPHP Committee members that the Compliance and BOD meetings would be held Wednesday afternoon/evening.

Mr. Henderson reminded everyone of the New Board MemberÕs Dinner Thursday evening.

Mr. Henderson noted that Dr. RhyneÕs FSMB Chair-Elect campaign website is up and running, www.votejanrhyne.com .

Mr. Henderson explained that the legal department would be presenting a proposed consent order to the Board on Friday morning.

March 17-19, 2010


Committee members present were: Janice E. Huff, MD, Chair; George L. Saunders, MD; William A. Walker, MD; and John B. Lewis, Jr. Also present were Ralph C. Loomis, MD; R. David Henderson (Executive Director); Hari Gupta (Director of Operations) and Peter T. Celentano, CPA (Comptroller).

Financial Statements

Monthly Accounting January 2010: Mr. Celentano, CPA, presented the January 2010 compiled financial statements. January is the third month of fiscal year 2010. The Committee recommends the Board accept the financial statements as reported.

Old Business

Fines: N.C. General Statute 90-14(a) permits the Board to fine a licensee who has been found by the Board to have violated the Medical Practice Act.

Dr. Scott Kirby, Assistant Medical Director, compiled a table of potential administrative violations and the proposed range of fines for each violation. The amount of the fine will depend on the aggravating and mitigating circumstances in each case. Assessment of a fine does not preclude other Board action.

The Committee recommends the Board adopt the following:

Category of deficiency                    Fine Amount                                    Examples

Failure to disclose material factual information on an application for licensure.

Failure to disclose material factual information on an application for licensure renewal.

Failure to make timely (within 60 days) mandated changes, additions, or corrections to the physicianÕs information profile.

Failure to timely report pursuant to 90-16(j). Failure to report within 30 days a DUI, drug or felony arrest or indictment. Failure to maintain required PA/supervising physician protocols.

Up to $1,000 per omission.             Failure to disclose action taken

by another state Board would result in maximum fine.

Up to $1,000 per omission              Failure to disclose change in

medical staff privileges resulting from an adverse action - $1,000

Up to $1,000 per omission              Failure to provide change of address within 60 days - $250 Failure to report medical malpractice payments - $1,000 per omission.

Up to $1,000 per omission              Failure to report DUI arrest -


Up to $250 per omission                 Failure to conduct or document

Quality Assurance meetings - $250


Failure to comply with the CME requirements following audit.

Up to $100 per deficient credit hour up to $2,500

per category 1 CME credit hour deficient

March 17-19, 2010

Practice after becoming inactive or with an expired or lapsed license.

Failure to comply with a Board subpoena or request for information in a timely manner

Allowing an unqualified

unlicensed individual to perform duties that should be performed by a licensed practitioner

Up to $1,000                                   Practice for less than 30 days following license inactivation (failure to renew) - $500 Practice for greater than 30 days following license inactivation - $1,000

Up to $1,000                                   Failure to respond within 30

days to a request regarding a patient complaint - $500.

Up to $2,000                                   Allowing unlicensed or unqualified individuals to perform laser hair removal - $1,000

New Business

Review of Practitioner Information Rules: N.C. General Statute 90-5.2(a) states the Board shall require all physicians and physician assistants to report to the Board certain misdemeanor convictions, occurring within the last 10 years, in accordance with rules adopted by the Board.

As a result, in August 2009, the Board adopted the following rule:


The Board shall publish misdemeanor convictions which involve offenses against a person, offenses of moral turpitude, offenses involving the use of drugs or alcohol, and violations of public health and safety codes. Such misdemeanor convictions shall be published for a period of 10 years from the date of the conviction.

At the January Board meeting, some Board members expressed concerns that the rule might be too broad with respect to certain convictions.

The Committee recommends staff submit proposed changes to the rule to limit the misdemeanor convictions which will be posted on the licensee information page.

Proposed Legislative Change to Permit PAs and NPs to Sign Death Certificates: N.C. Gen Stat 130A-115 states a death certificate shall be completed and signed by a physician no more than three days after death. However, in many instances a PA or NP (working under a supervisory or collaborative practice agreement with a physician) has been responsible for the care of the deceased. A change to the law would permit the health care practitioner who is most familiar with the deceasedÕs health to certify the cause of death.

The Committee recommends the BoardÕs Legislative Liaison pursue changes to the statute to allow PAs and NPs to sign death certificates.

E-Hearings: Mr. Thomas Mansfield, Director of the Legal Department, announced plans to stop using hard copies of exhibits and records during disciplinary hearings and, instead, to begin using electronic copies of these documents. Staff will try to have these changes in place for the April hearings.

Renewal Cycle: After discussing the possibility of moving to a two-year renewal cycle, the Committee recommends the Board maintain the current annual renewal cycle. However,

March 17-19, 2010

the Committee would like for staff to explore a more efficient process for reporting CME during the renewal.

AARA Grant: Recently, the Board received a grant from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (AARA) of 2009. These funds will be used to hire an independent contractor to coordinate the BoardÕs license portability and expedited credentialing efforts.


Board Members: Pamela Blizzard; Paul S. Camnitz, M.D.; Karen R. Gerancher, M.D.; Thomas R. Hill, MD; Janice E. Huff, MD; Thelma C. Lennon; John B. Lewis; Ralph C. Loomis, MD; Peggy R. Robinson, PA-C; George L. Saunders, MD; and William A. Walker, MD.

Buttar, Rashid Ali DO - Huntersville, NC

The hearing scheduled with the Office of Administrative Hearings was continued for the purposes of presenting a proposed settlement to the NC Medical Board.

Dr. Buttar was represented by Jim Maxwell.
The Board was represented by Marcus Jimison.

Board Action: On March 19, 2010, the Board voted to accept the proposed Consent Order subject to changes made to the informed consent form. Dr. Huff is to give final approval to the informed consent form.


Committee Members: Dr. Walker, Judge Lewis, Dr. Camnitz and Dr. Loomis

Staff: Todd Brosius, Wanda Long, Dena Konkel and Jean Fisher

Guests: Lisa Shock, NCAPA; Mike Borden, NCAPA; John Bode, NCAPA; Amy Whited, NCMS;

Linwood Jones, NCHA; and Andrew Wu, NCACR.



1/2010 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: (Loomis/Camnitz) Adopt a 4 year review schedule as presented. All reviews will be offered to the full Board for input. Additionally all reviews will be documented and will be reported to the full Board, even if no changes are made.

1/2010 BOARD ACTION: Adopt the recommendation of the Policy Committee.









Unethical Agreements in Complaint








March 17-19, 2010









Professional Obligation to Report Incompetence, Impairment, and Unethical Conduct








Medical, Nursing, Pharmacy Boards: Joint Statement on Pain Management in End-of-Life Care








What Are the Position Statements of the Board and To Whom Do They Apply?








Contact With Patients Before Prescribing








Guidelines for Avoiding Misunderstandin gs During Physical Examinations








Office-Based Procedures








Access to








Medical Supervisor-Trainee Relationship








The Treatment of Obesity









Infected Health Care Workers








Writing of Prescriptions








Laser Surgery








Self- Treatment and Treatment of Family Members and Others With Whom Significant Emotional Relationships Exist








Advertising and Publicity









March 17-19, 2010

Prescribing Legend or Controlled Substances for Other Than Valid Medical or Therapeutic Purposes, with Particular Reference to Substances or Preparations with Anabolic Properties








Sale of Goods From Physician Offices








Competence and Reentry to the Active Practice of Medicine








Availability of
Physicians to
Their Patients








Referral Fees and Fee Splitting









Exploitation of Patients








Care of the Patient Undergoing Surgery or Other Invasive Procedure








The Physician-Patient









The Retired Physician








Physician Supervision of Other Licensed Health Care Practitioners
















Advance Directives and Patient Autonomy








End-of-Life Responsibilities and Palliative Care








Drug Overdose Prevention








Policy for the Use of Controlled Substances for the Treatment of Pain








Medical Record Documentation









March 17-19, 2010

Retention of Medical Records








Capital Punishment








Departures from or Closings of Medical


















Unethical agreements in complaint settlements

It is the position of the North Carolina Medical Board that it is unethical for a physician licensee to settle any complaint if the settlement contains an agreement by a patient not to complain or provide information to the Board.

(Adopted November 1993) (Amended May 1996) (Amended March 2010) 
Approve with the edit as indicated.
3/2010 BOARD ACTION: Accept the Committee recommendation.

Professional obligation to report incompetence, impairment and unethical conduct

It is the position of the North Carolina Medical Board that physicians have a professional obligation to act when confronted with an impaired or incompetent colleague or one who has engaged in unethical conduct.

When appropriate, an offer of personal assistance to the colleague may be the most compassionate and effective intervention. When this would not be appropriate or sufficient to address the problem, physicians have a duty to report the matter to the institution best positioned to deal with the problem. For example, impaired physicians and physician assistants should be reported to the North Carolina Physicians Health Program. Incompetent physicians should be reported to the clinical authority empowered to take appropriate action. Physicians also may report to the North Carolina Medical Board, and when there is no other institution reasonably likely to be able to deal with the problem, this will be the only way of discharging the duty to report.

This duty is subordinate to the duty to maintain patient confidences. In other words, when the colleague is a patient or when matters concerning a colleague are brought to the physicianÕs attention by a patient, the physician must give appropriate consideration to preserving the patientÕs confidences in deciding whether to report the colleague.

(Adopted November 1998)

3/2010 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Brosius is to consider a new title that better reflects the BoardÕs intent for the Position Statement. The Position Statement will be reviewed again at the May meeting of the Policy Committee.

3/2010 BOARD ACTION: Accept the Committee Recommendation.

March 17-19, 2010


Issue: The Board to consider recent adoptions of telemedicine policies and statements by the Federation, Blue Cross Blue Shield and the AMA.

5/2009 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Dr. Rhyne reported that the Federation recently adopted a statement regarding telemedicine. It was also reported that BCBS would be implementing a new e-medicine policy.

5/2009 BOARD ACTION: Mr. Brosius to use information from AMA, Federation, Medical Society and BCBS, to begin working on a comprehensive policy. This policy should include the telepsychiatry issue the Committee addressed last year.

7/2009 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Dr. Rhyne reported that the AMA recently passed a policy regarding telemedicine and that Blue Cross Blue Shield may have also taken a position regarding this issue.

7/2009 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Brosius is to continue to research this issue. The Committee will report its findings at the September meeting.

7/2009 BOARD ACTION: No action required.

9/2009 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Mr. Brosius presented the following proposed Position Statement. Comments were solicited from DHHS and their recommendations were considered and incorporated where the Policy Committee deemed appropriate.

9/2009 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Present proposed Position Statement to the full Board for consideration. This issue will be revisited at the November 2009 meeting.

9/2009 BOARD ACTION: Have proposed Position Statement published in Forum for comments before final adoption by Board.

11/2009 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Continue to collect comments. Position Statement and comments will be considered at the January 2010 meeting.

11/2009 BOARD ACTION: Continue to collect comments. Position Statement and comments will be considered at the January 2010 meeting.

1/2010 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: Comments received are on file and were provided for the CommitteeÕs review. The Committee discussed the need for informed consent. It was the consensus of the Committee that the proposed Position Statement should not be changed.

1/2010 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: (Loomis/Camnitz) Approve proposed Position Statement. Present to full Board for approval.

1/2010 BOARD ACTION: After a full Board discussion, the Board voted to table this

issue until the staff could obtain additional information regarding informed consent.

3/2010 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: The Committee received comments from Dr. Wu and Mr. Bode regarding current standards in telemedicine as it related to radiology.

March 17-19, 2010

Additional comments were made from public guests, indicating their interest in monitoring the BoardÕs activity on this issue.

3/2010 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Mr. Brosius is to prepare new language for the informed consent section of the proposed Position Statement. The proposal will be presented to the Policy Committee at the May meeting for further consideration.

3/2010 BOARD ACTION: Accept the Committee Recommendation.


ÒTelemedicineÓ is the practice of medicine using electronic communication, information technology or other means between a physician in one location and a patient in another location with or without an intervening health care provider.

The Board recognizes that technological advances have made it possible for physicians to provide medical care to patients who are separated by some geographical distance. As a result, telemedicine is a potentially useful tool that, if employed appropriately, can provide important benefits to patients, including: increased access to health care, expanded utilization of specialty expertise, rapid availability of patient records, and the reduced cost of patient care.

The Board cautions, however, that physicians practicing via telemedicine will be held to the same standard of care as physicians employing more traditional in-person medical care. A failure to conform to the appropriate standard of care, whether that care is rendered in-person or via telemedicine, may subject the physician to potential discipline by this Board.

The Board provides the following considerations to its licensees as guidance in providing medical services via telemedicine:

Training of Staff -- Staff involved in the telemedicine visit should be trained in the use of the telemedicine equipment and competent in its operation.

Examinations -- Physicians using telemedicine technologies to provide care to patients located in North Carolina must provide an appropriate examination prior to diagnosing and/or treating the patient. However, this examination need not be in-person if the technology is sufficient to provide the same information to the physician as if the exam had been performed face-to-face.

Other examinations may also be considered appropriate if the physician is at a distance from the patient, but a licensed health care professional is able to provide various physical findings that the physician needs to complete an adequate assessment. On the other hand, a simple questionnaire without an appropriate examination may be a violation of law and/or subject the physician to discipline by the Board.1

Informed Consent -- The physician using telemedicine should obtain the patientÕs informed consent before providing care via telemedicine services. In addition to information relative to treatment, the patient should be informed of the risks and benefits of being treated via telemedicine, including how to receive follow-up care or assistance in the event of an adverse reaction to the treatment or in the event of an inability to communicate as a result of a technological or equipment failure. The patient retains the right to withdraw his or her consent at any time.

Physician-Patient Relationship – The physician using telemedicine should have some means of verifying that the person seeking treatment is in fact who he or she claims to be. A diagnosis should be established through the use of accepted medical practices, i.e., a patient history,

1 See also the BoardÕs Position Statement entitled ÒContact with Patients before Prescribing.Ó

March 17-19, 2010

mental status examination, physical examination and appropriate diagnostic and laboratory testing. Physicians using telemedicine should also ensure the availability for appropriate follow-up care and maintain a complete medical record that is available to the patient and other treating health care providers.

Medical Records -- The physician treating a patient via telemedicine must maintain a complete record of the telemedicine patientÕs care according to prevailing medical record standards. The medical record serves to document the analysis and plan of an episode of care for future reference. It must reflect an appropriate evaluation of the patient's presenting symptoms, and relevant components of the electronic professional interaction must be documented as with any other encounter.

The physician must maintain the recordÕs confidentiality and disclose the records to the patient consistent with state and federal law. If the patient has a primary physician and a telemedicine physician for the same ailment, then the primary physicianÕs medical record and the telemedicine physicianÕs record constitute one complete patient record.

Licensure -- The practice of medicine is deemed to occur in the state in which the patient is located. Therefore, any physician using telemedicine to regularly provide medical services to patients located in North Carolina should be licensed to practice medicine in North Carolina.2 Physicians need not reside in North Carolina, as long as they have a valid, current North Carolina license.

North Carolina physicians intending to practice medicine via telemedicine technology to treat or diagnose patients outside of North Carolina should check with other state licensing boards. Most states require physicians to be licensed, and some have enacted limitations to telemedicine practice or require or offer a special registration. A directory of all U.S. medical boards may be accessed at the Federation of State Medical Boards Web site: http://www.fsmb.org/directory smb.html.

Fees – The BoardÕs licensees should be aware that third-party payors may have differing requirements and definitions of telemedicine for the purpose of reimbursement.

Board Comment:

During the BoardÕs consideration of this position statement, several radiology groups contacted the Board to voice concern about the section entitled ÒInformed Consent.Ó They were concerned that this position statement would require them to obtain an additional informed consent from patients when in the past they had traditionally relied on the informed consent obtained by the hospital or physician requesting the interpretation. The Board does not intend to create such an additional requirement. In the event that radiologists or other specialists have traditionally relied on the informed consent obtained by another provider, the Board believes that such informed consent should remain sufficient. The Board does caution however that physicians relying on such informed consent and hospitals obtaining such informed consent may want to review such informed consents to ensure that they include the possibility that the

2 N.C. Gen. Stat. ¤ 90-18(c)(11) exempts from the requirement for licensure: ÒThe practice of medicine or surgery by any nonregistered reputable physician or surgeon who comes into this State, either in person or by use of any electronic or other mediums, on an irregular basis, to consult with a resident registered physician or to consult with personnel at a medical school about educational or medical training. This proviso shall not apply to physicians resident in a neighboring state and regularly practicing in this State.Ó

The Board also notes that the North Carolina General Statutes define the practice of medicine as including, ÒThe performance of any act, within or without this State, described in this subdivision by use of any electronic or other means, including the Internet or telephone.Ó N.C. Gen. Stat. ¤ 90-1.1(5)f.

March 17-19, 2010

patientÕs diagnosis or treatment may be obtained by means of electronic communication, information technology or other means.


7/2009 BOARD ACTION: Approve proposed rule. Proceed with rule-making process.

9/2009 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: It was reported that the following rule has been submitted to the Office of Administrative Hearings to be published in the NC

Register. A public hearing for the purpose of collecting any comments will be held at the BoardÕs office on November 30, 2009 at 11:00 am. The proposed rule will be submitted to the Board at its December meeting for adoption.

9/2009 BOARD ACTION: Accept as information.

11/2009 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: It was reported that the following rule has been submitted to the Office of Administrative Hearings and was published in the NC Register. A public hearing for the purpose of collecting any comments will be held at the BoardÕs office on November 30, 2009 at 11:00 am. The Board continues to receive comments. The proposed rule and comments collected will be presented to the Board at its January 2010 meeting for consideration.

11/2009 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: No action necessary. 11/2009 BOARD ACTION: No action necessary.

1/2010 COMMITTEE DISCUSSION: A public hearing was held on November 30, 2009, for the purpose of receiving comments regarding the proposed rule. A taskforce is currently being assembled to further research and consider this issue. No action is necessary at this time.

1/2010 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: For information only. No action necessary at this time.

1/2010 BOARD ACTION: Dr. Jablonski is to appoint a taskforce to further research and consider this issue.

3/2010 COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: This issue will be tabled until the taskforce is created and reports back to the Policy Committee.

3/2010 BOARD ACTION: Accept as information.

21 NCAC 32Y .0101 is proposed for adoption as follows:



(a) No physician shall advertise or otherwise hold himself or herself out to the public as being  ÒBoard CertifiedÓ without proof of current certification by a specialty board approved by (1) the

American Board of Medical Specialties; (2) the Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists of American

March 17-19, 2010

Osteopathic Association; (3) the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada; (4) a  board or association with an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education approved  postgraduate training program that provides complete training in that specialty or subspecialty;  or (5) a board or association with equivalent requirements approved by the North Carolina  Medical Board.

(b)  Any physicians advertising or otherwise holding himself or herself out to the public as ÒBoard  CertifiedÓ as contemplated in paragraph (a) shall disclose in the advertisement the specialty  board by which the physician was certified.

(c)  Physicians shall not list their names under a specific specialty in advertisements, including  but not limited to, classified telephone directories and other directories unless: (1) they are  board certified as defined in paragraph (a); or (2) they have successfully completed a training  program in the advertised specialty that is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or approved by the Council on Postdoctoral Training of the American  Osteopathic Association.

History Note: Authority G.S.90-5.1, 90-5.2, 90-14.


Janice Huff, MD, Chairman, Pamela Blizzard, Thomas Hill, MD, Ralph Loomis, MD, Joy Cooke, Michelle Allen, Mary Mazzetti, Kim Chapin, Ravonda James, Scott Kirby, MD, Thom Mansfield, Patrick Balestrieri, Nancy Hemphill

OPEN SESSION (** items are for discussion at the March meeting)


1. Statutory Requirement for Postgraduate Training

Issue: At the March 2009 meeting a motion was passed for staff to investigate the feasibility of changing NCGS 90-9.1(a) (2)a to require completion of more than 1 year of postgraduate education for graduates of a medical college approved by the Liaison Commission on Medical Education, an osteopathic college approved by the American Osteopathic Association or The Committee for the Accreditation of Canadian Medical Schools after graduation from medical school. 11/09 Board Action: Have legal provide an update at the January 2010 meeting. Tasked to legal 12/9/09. 01/2010 Board Action: Recommend special project assignment to contact stake holders and research the repercussions it will have on the medical community.

Board Action: Legal to provide update at May 2010 meeting.

March 17-19, 2010

**2      Proposed Licensing Regulatory Rules

Issue: Nancy Hemphill continues to work on drafting rules and will present a new proposal for the Faculty Limited License rules at the March meeting. 1/2010 Board Action: Table Special Purpose License until further review by the Best Practices Committee. Table discussion on rules for Faculty Limited License and Reentry until further review by staff is completed.

Board Action: Table until May 2010 meeting.

**3      Legal Residence Status

Staff continues to investigate the most practical way to verify that an applicant is a legal resident

of the US. 11/09 Board Action:           Move forward with staffÕs proposal. Legal and Licensing Staff have submitted an application to participate in the SAVE program and are awaiting a response to the request. 1/2010 Board Action: Accept as information – Staff to provide update at March meeting.

Board Action: Department of Homeland Security has backlog. Legal to provide update at May 2010 meeting.

4. Illness and Substance Abuse Question on Licensure Applications

Do NCMBÕs licensing application questions violate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and are they discriminatory towards those Òqualified individuals with disabilitiesÓ who answer in the affirmative?

11/09 Board Action: Change question 7 to read, ÒDo you currently have a mental health or physical condition (not referenced above) which in any way limits or impairs, or if untreated could limit or impair, your ability to practice medicine in a competent or professional manner? ÒCurrentlyÓ means recently enough so that the condition could reasonably be expected to have an impact on your ability to function as a physician. Defer question 5 and 6 back to legal for further review. Task to change question 7 forwarded to Operations 12/9/09 for followup. Questions 5 & 6 referred back to Legal 12/9/09

Staff Recommendations for Questions 5 & 6
Modification to application question # 5

Current question reads ÒIn the past five (5) years have you used or consumed any controlled substance or other prescription drugs other than those lawfully prescribed for you, by another authorized healthcare professional or have you used illegal drugs? ÒUsed illegal drugsÓ means the use of controlled substance obtain illegally, such as, but not limited to heroin or cocaine, as well as the use of controlled substance that are not obtained pursuant to a valid prescription or not taken in accordance with the direction of a licensed healthcare practitioner. Question 5 will become 2 questions.

New Q5. In the past five (5) years, have you used or consumed any controlled substance or other prescription drug that you obtained through illegal or improper means?

New Q6. In the past five (5) years, have you used or consumed any illicit or illegal drugs including, and not limited to cocaine, heroin, ecstasy (3,40Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline (3,4,5 trimethoxyphenethylamine), Psilocybin (4-

March 17-19, 2010

phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine), PCP (phencyclidine) and/or Marijuana (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)?

Modification to application question #6

Current question reads ÒIn the past five (5) years, have you used alcohol or other substances in a manner that could in any way impair or limit your ability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety when on duty?

Issue to discuss:

1.     Should a NCPHP (or other State PHP) qualifier be inserted into current Question #6 (i.e. if you are a current NCPHP (or other State PHP) anonymous participant and in compliance with your contract, you do not need to list any such use(s) related to this question?

2.     Should we insert Òincluding, but not limited to....Ó language into this question? If yes, then what would the list contain? Consider Ò....have you used alcohol, controlled substances or any illicit or illegal drugs including, but not limited to, cocaine, heroin, ecstacy (3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine), LSD (d-lysergic acid diethylamide), mescaline (3,4,5 trimethoxyphenethylamine), Psilocybin (4-phosphoryloxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine), PCP (phencyclidine) and/or Marijuana (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol)?

Board Action: Accept proposed modifications, without PHP qualifiers, to questions 5 & 6.

Implement new question as follow: In the past five (5) years, have you used alcohol or other substances in a manner that could in any way impair or limit your ability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety when on duty or have you been told you were impaired by your use of alcohol or other substances in a manner that could impair or limit your ability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety. Tasked to Operations 2/2/10

**5. Selection process for split Board Interviews

At the September Board meeting it was suggested that the Licensing Committee consider ÒtweakingÓ the current selection process for split Board interviews. Possibly have a Board member review applications flagged by staff for a split Board, prior to making a final decision. It was then suggested this be tasked to Dr. Huff as part of her Òretreat researchÓ. The current process is:

(1)           Application is reviewed by the legal department or office of the Medical Director; a decision is made as to whether SSRC is required; if yes, the SSRC determines whether a split Board interview is indicated and if it is, the applicant is notified that they will be scheduled to appear at the next Board meeting – no Board Member involvement; or

(2)           Application is reviewed only by the legal department because there are no quality of care issues and the legal department makes a recommendation for split Board interview; applicant is notified that they will be scheduled to appear at the next Board meeting – no Board Member involvement; or

(3)           Application is reviewed only by OMD because there are no ethical issues; only issues are malpractice claims, medical conditions and/or issues during training; OMD makes a recommendation for split Board interview; applicant is notified that they will be scheduled to appear at the next Board meeting – no Board Member involvement. 11/09 Board Action: Table until January 2010 meeting.

March 17-19, 2010

Staff Recommendation: When senior staff recommends a split Board interview for a license applicant: the senior staff recommendation will include a brief summary of reasons for a given recommendation (e.g. 8 malpractice claims/4 within last 3 years/2 payments in last 2 years; Ohio public action for wrong side surgery; remote but unreported misdemeanor arrest). The file, with the accompanying senior staff recommendation and brief summary, will then go to the licensing committee chair. (We feel there is the benefit of consistency with a single identified Board member reviewing the approximate 60 such cases each year, rather than dispersing the cases to the entire Board). If the licensing committee chair agrees with senior staff, the interview is scheduled. If the chair disagrees, the application goes to licensing committee for discussion. We did not discuss further actions if what we are suggesting is approved.

However, for the sake of consideration, if over the course of a year there is significant discrepancy between what senior staff recommends and what the licensing committee chair approves, the opportunity to retrospectively review the discrepancies may be helpful. Similarly staffÕs retrospective review of the split board interview files and subsequent Board actions may also be helpful. (SSRC)

1/2010 Board Action: Table until further review and action by the Best Practices Committee. Board Action: Table until May 2010 meeting.

6. Application Change

11/2009 Board Action:            The Board voted to provide a definition for ÒinvestigationÓ where appropriate on the application questions.

1/2010 Board Action: Accept the following definition: An ÒinvestigationÓ includes, but is not limited to, any instance where a medical board or other medical regulatory agency has made an inquiry into, examination or inspection of, or gathered evidence or information regarding you or your practice of medicine. Tasked to Operations 2/2/2010

7.   Application Question #10

Current question reads ÒHave you ever been suspended from, placed on scholastic or disciplinary probation, expelled or requested to resign from any school, including medical school?

1/2010 Board Action : Change question #10 to read ÒHave you ever been suspended from, placed on scholastic or disciplinary probation, expelled or requested to resign from any school, including medical school, residency or fellowship programsÓ? Tasked to Operations 2/2/2010

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

Fifteen licensure applications were reviewed. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.

March 17-19, 2010


Abby, Diane

Adkins, Jennifer Cantrell

Ahmad, Aqeel

Alden, Margaret Stokes

Alkassab, Firas

Allen, Brian Christopher

Alley, William Daniel

Almaraz, Gilbert

Amrol, Jennifer Gregory

Anderson, Peter Ian

Anigbogu, Michael Egbuna

Appleyard, Deborah Van Allen

Asaad, Shonda Michelle

Asad, Syed Ali

Augenstein, Vedra Abdomerovic

Augustine, Scott Douglas

Baker, Justin John

Balder, Donald Allen

Barrow, Brian Patrick

Bates, Melisa Kaye

Battaglia, Daniel Richard

Biber, Joseph Moore

Blackham, Aaron Udell

Blomquist, Gustav Arthur

Boncimino, Kathleen

Bonnin, Marni Judith

Borzutzky, Carlos A.

Boswell, Elizabeth Louise

Bottiger, Brandi Anne

Brackin, George Gaul

Bradstreet, Jennifer Hope

Bride, John Paul

Brookhart, Carolyn Celi

Brownlee, Noel Anderson

Brusovanik, Georgiy Vladimirovich

Burdine, Steven Elliott

Butt, Amir Shahzad

Callaway, Jennifer Elise

Campenot, Eric Scott

Campos, Amy Tackett

Cardones, Adela Rambi Guanco

Carlson, John Ellert

Caruso, Thomas Daniel

Castillo, Jesus Alberto

March 17-19, 2010

Catignani, Karen Marie Chang, Paul Poo Liang Chao, Ronald Philip Chastanet, Robert Joseph Christianson, Howard Kael Christianson, Kimball Lael Clare, Robert Alan

Clement, Katherine Camper Cole, Ian Oluremilekun Coleman, Michael Howard Collins, Kelly Marie

Cook, Cathleen Marie
Cost, Jamey Lynn

Crane, Andrea Kuntaraf Crane, Patrick Shawn Cribbs, Floyd Ashton Crocker, William Daniel Curtin, Brian Matthew Damle, Sagar Subhash Dancel, Ria Drapete Davey, Mathew Alan Davis, Amelia

Dechant, Valerie Elaine DeLisio, Kesah Lynn DeLuca, Jason Richard DeSimone, Noelle Annette Dhawan, Rajnish

Dickerson, James Albert Doering, Richard Peter Dolgan, Dennis Anthony Dugliss, Malcolm Andrew Dunn, Michael McDonald Dye, Michael Wayne Edelen, Connie Ann Ehrlich, Michael Stuart Eze-Nliam, Chete M Fajman, Krista Marie Fenn, James David

Fish, Robert Norman Fisher, Thomas David Flemmings, Michelle Andrea Freels, Douglas Boyd Gallagher, Denise Marie Gardner, Ryan Clark George, Ronald Lee Ghafoori, Ahmad Paiman Govil, Harsh

Graham, Garth Prinsloo

March 17-19, 2010

Green, Brenna Rae Ellwein

Greer, Todd Blake

Grodman, Howard Michael

Grunwald, Lili

Guarino, Clinton Toms Andrews

Haas, Erwin Joseph

Hageman, Patrick Albert

Hallberg, John Andrew

Hand, Alfred Parkhill

Hanner, Jennifer

Harrington, Daphne Melvina

Havlin, Kathleen Anne

Hawes, Jodi Jane

Hawkins, Eric Ray

Head, Douglas Scott

Helveston, Wendell Raymond

Hemsley, Hugh Hambleton

Henrich, Douglas Edwin

Hernandez, Marie Molina

Heyns, Marthinus Daneel

Hicks, Winnie Claire

Hioe, Kiem Min

Hobbs, Richard Preston

Hoffert, Marvin Jay

Holbrook, Anna

Holmes, Lauren Michelle

Holtzclaw, Stephen Gates

Hooks, William Borden

Hountras, Dean Michael

Houser, Edward Ross

Hults, Steven Mark

Hutchison, Jane White

Ibezue, Stella Akwuka Ogonna

Inman, Jeffrey Eugene

Isaacson, Ari

Jackson, Woody Herman

Jaffer, Sukaina Jeffer

James, James Franklin

Jenis, Andrew David

Jolly, Puneet Singh

Jones, Rada Ruxandra

Jorge, Eduardo

Kadiev, Steven

Katona, Terrence Matthias

Kempton, Laurence Byron

Keogh, Michael James

Kerns, Mary Jo Jacobson

Knight, Nicole Carol

Kohtz, Scott Allen

March 17-19, 2010

Konduru, Ramesh Babu Kovash, Nanette Le Krasinski, Kevin Leo Krokhaleva, Yuliya Kurtz, Avrom Louis Kuykendal, Adam Rea Kwark, Hyun Soon Ellen LaMarre, Arthur Gerald Lambeth, Sally Metcalf Lance, Jason Noel Langenbrunner, Adam David Lawani, Nurudeen Salimonu Leach, George Cyrus Lee, Andrew Dongjun Lengyel, Robert John Leonard, Michael Albert Leonard, Michael Kent Leonard, Ralph Liam Leonardi, Robert

Lepeska, Michael John Lessin, Marc

Lewis, Darrell Vincent Lindsay, Nikita Williams Linthavong, Kanhka Lippincott, Christopher Kirk Liu, Huajun

Locke, Adair Quattlebaum Looney, Christopher Boyd Lord, Rebecca Lynn Lowry, Patricia Ann Lundgrin, Daryl Brent Lye, James Stephen Lynch, Jo-ann Eudora MacDonald, James Alexis Mageau, Ronald Paul Malik, Kashif Nadeem Manchester, Amy Kantipong Mashkovich, Yury Mastroianni, Dominick Matsuyama, Duke Tsukasa Mbonu, Ikechukwu Damian McCormac, Rupert James McCorry, James William Meadows, Telly Ali Meara, Alexa Simon Mehra, Sanjay

Mengesha, Yeshitila Gugsa

March 17-19, 2010

Messina, Joseph Metts, Robert Ernest Meyer, Jeffrey Scott Miano, Eric James Michael, Magdalena Sunshine Miller, Becky Alison Mirmanesh, Shapour Mischen, Blaine Thomas Mizuguchi, Kaoru Annette Mock, Jennifer Ann Morris, Angela Marie Morris, Benjamin Nicholas Moss, Jonathan Randall Mueller, Mark Francis Nelson, Andrew Frederick Newton, Diane Ruth Nuthalapaty, Francis S Nyunt, Soe

Oh, Paul Youngbok OKeefe, Kraigher Allan Oksanen, Owen David O'Neill, Stacey Sheasley Osterberg, Hattina Denise Ottavio, Peter

Palmer, Emily Davis Panigrahi, Tanmay Papalas, John Anthony Parab, Minoti Vilas Parker, Justin Christopher Paruchuri, Lakshmi Priya Parwani, Vivek

Patel, Kinnaresh Sureshbhai Patel, Sanjay Arun Pavlisko, Elizabeth Nunnery Perry, Robert Francis Perumal, Shankar Peterson, Cecily Karen Pham, DuyKhanh Thi Pham, Hung Xuan Phillips, Yalonda La-Niece Podber, Jason Scott Prescott, Michael Steven Puskarich, Michael Alexander Qadeer, Mohammed Abdul Qureshi, Hina

Ray, Jayanta

Rayala, Christopher Zaguirre Redden, Kelly King

March 17-19, 2010

Reddy, Naveena Mainampati

Reese, Matthew Edward

Reimann, Julie Dylan Regan

Reiser, John Michael

Ridgeway, Robert Lee

Robicheaux, Greg Anthony

Robinett, Stephanie Ann

Robinson, Daniel George

Romero, Nereida

Rowell, Candra Elita

Rubinson, Howard Alan

Ryan, Andrew

Saft, Elizabeth Lynne

Sakr, Mark James

Salameh, Nabil Peter

Salami, Saka Ademola

Salary, Montell Dupree'

Saltzmann, Robert Michael

Sangwan, Seema

Santin, Amy Jo

Schauberger, James Scott

Schrader, Laura Jean

Schranz, Craig Ian

Schroth, Kelley Stephens

Schuchard, Gregory Harold

Schuetze, David Paul

See, Sein Yin

Segebarth, Paul Bradley

Selley, Jeremy Kent

Shadzeka, Edwin

Shaner, Brian Allen

Sharief, Mohammad Fazalullah

Shchelchkov, Evgeniy

Shedd, Omer Lee

Shield, Christian Edward

Shimukowa, Makondo

Skaskiw, Anna

Slaven, Timothy Michael

Slotwiner, Alexander Joachim

Smith, Marsha Marek

Smith, Yale Robert

Snyder, Ryan

Spallino, John Frank

Spohn, Peter John

Sprague, Marie Ann

Stair, Richard Wayne

Stavri, George Theodore

Steffey, Clinton Scott

March 17-19, 2010

Steiner, Harry Emile

Stevens, Justin Dale

Stevenson, Paul Andrew

Stringham, J Riley

Stuckey, Jason Hugh

Sullivan, Raymond Charles

Summers, Erik Christian

Sutton, Jill Marie

Tang, Jennifer Hui-Yu

Tanimu, Zakari Danlami

Tayloe, David Thomas

Taylor, Richard Stephen

Thomas, Benjamin Michael

Thomas, Karin Elizabeth

Thomas, Renee Bethea

Thompson, Carl

Thompson, Stephen Brian

Tsai, David Bye-Shin

Tuel, Stephen Michael

Upadhya, Bharathi

Urban, Edward John

Verkauf, Barry Stephen

Vineyard, Joseph Carmichael

Vinikoor, Michael Jeffrey

Vogler, Sarah Anne

Volk, Sarah Ellen

Volpitto, George David

Vyas, Bavna Bagyalakshmi

Wadnerkar, Rahul

Walker, Robert Griffith

Wallace, James Grier

Watts, John Alexander

Weddington, Deborah Joan

Wheeler, Thomas L

Wiech, Carolyn Anne

Williams Ramirez, Carlos Augusto

Williams, Christine Anne

Wrenn, Cynthia

Wright, Laurie Grace

Xie, Donghua

Yaste, Jeffrey Jon-Michael

Yousefzadeh, Naghmeh

Yung, Steven Chin Sing

March 17-19, 2010


A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

Five licensure interviews were conducted. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.


JANUARY 5, 2010 – MARCH 3, 2010

Full License

Abby, Diane

Adkins, Jennifer Cantrell

Ahmad, Aqeel

Alden, Margaret Stokes

Alkassab, Firas

Allen, Brian Christopher

Alley, William Daniel

Almaraz, Gilbert

Anderson, Peter Ian

Anigbogu, Michael Egbuna

Appleyard, Deborah Van Allen

Asaad, Shonda Michelle

Asad, Syed Ali

Augenstein, Vedra Abdomerovic

Augustine, Scott Douglas

Baker, Justin John

Balder, Donald Allen

Barrow, Brian Patrick

Bates, Melisa Kaye

Battaglia, Daniel Richard

Biber, Joseph Moore

Blackham, Aaron Udell

Blomquist, Gustav Arthur

Boncimino, Kathleen

Bonnin, Marni Judith

Boswell, Elizabeth Louise

Bottiger, Brandi Anne

March 17-19, 2010

Brackin, George Gaul

Bradstreet, Jennifer Hope

Brookhart, Carolyn Celi

Brusovanik, Georgiy Vladimirovich

Burdine, Steven Elliott

Butt, Amir Shahzad

Callaway, Jennifer Elise

Campenot, Eric Scott

Campos, Amy Tackett

Cardones, Adela Rambi Guanco

Carlson, John Ellert

Castillo, Jesus Alberto

Catignani, Karen Marie

Chang, Paul Poo Liang

Chastanet, Robert Joseph

Christianson, Howard Kael

Christianson, Kimball Lael

Clare, Robert Alan

Clement, Katherine Camper

Cole, Ian Oluremilekun

Coleman, Michael Howard

Collins, Kelly Marie

Cook, Cathleen Marie

Cost, Jamey Lynn

Crane, Patrick Shawn

Cribbs, Floyd Ashton

Crocker, William Daniel

Curtin, Brian Matthew

Damle, Sagar Subhash

Dancel, Ria Drapete

Davey, Mathew Alan

Davis, Amelia

Dechant, Valerie Elaine

DeLisio, Kesah Lynn

DeLuca, Jason Richard

DeSimone, Noelle Annette

Dhawan, Rajnish

Dickerson, James Albert

Doering, Richard Peter

Dolgan, Dennis Anthony

Dunn, Michael McDonald

Dye, Michael Wayne

Edelen, Connie Ann

Ehrlich, Michael Stuart

Eze-Nliam, Chete M

Fajman, Krista Marie

March 17-19, 2010

Fenn, James David

Fish, Robert Norman

Fisher, Thomas David

Gallagher, Denise Marie

Gardner, Ryan Clark

George, Ronald Lee

Ghafoori, Ahmad Paiman

Green, Brenna Rae Ellwein

Greer, Todd Blake

Grodman, Howard Michael

Grunwald, Lili

Hageman, Patrick Albert

Hallberg, John Andrew

Hand, Alfred Parkhill

Hanner, Jennifer

Harrington, Daphne Melvina

Hawes, Jodi Jane

Hawkins, Eric Ray

Head, Douglas Scott

Helveston, Wendell Raymond

Hernandez, Marie Molina

Hicks, Winnie Claire

Hioe, Kiem Min

Hobbs, Richard Preston

Hoffert, Marvin Jay

Holbrook, Anna

Holmes, Lauren Michelle

Holtzclaw, Stephen Gates

Hooks, William Borden

Hountras, Dean Michael

Houser, Edward Ross

Hults, Steven Mark

Hutchison, Jane White

Ibezue, Stella Akwuka Ogonna

Inman, Jeffrey Eugene

Isaacson, Ari

Jackson, Woody Herman

Jenis, Andrew David

Jolly, Puneet Singh

Jones, Rada Ruxandra

Jorge, Eduardo

Kadiev, Steven

Katona, Terrence Matthias

Kempton, Laurence Byron

Kerns, Mary Jo Jacobson

Knight, Nicole Carol

March 17-19, 2010

Kohtz, Scott Allen Konduru, Ramesh Babu Kovash, Nanette Le Krasinski, Kevin Leo Krokhaleva, Yuliya Kurtz, Avrom Louis Kuykendal, Adam Rea Kwark, Hyun Soon Ellen LaMarre, Arthur Gerald Lambeth, Sally Metcalf Lance, Jason Noel Langenbrunner, Adam David Lawani, Nurudeen Salimonu Leach, George Cyrus Lee, Andrew Dongjun Lengyel, Robert John Leonard, Michael Albert Leonard, Michael Kent Leonard, Ralph Liam Leonardi, Robert

Lepeska, Michael John Lessin, Marc

Linthavong, Kanhka

Lippincott, Christopher Kirk Liu, Huajun

Locke, Adair Quattlebaum Looney, Christopher Boyd Lord, Rebecca Lynn Lowry, Patricia Ann Lundgrin, Daryl Brent Lye, James Stephen Lynch, Jo-ann Eudora MacDonald, James Alexis Mageau, Ronald Paul Malik, Kashif Nadeem Manchester, Amy Kantipong Mashkovich, Yury Mastroianni, Dominick Mbonu, Ikechukwu Damian McCormac, Rupert James McCorry, James William Meadows, Telly Ali Meara, Alexa Simon Mehra, Sanjay

Mengesha, Yeshitila Gugsa Miano, Eric James

March 17-19, 2010

Michael, Magdalena Sunshine Miller, Becky Alison

Mischen, Blaine Thomas Mizuguchi, Kaoru Annette Mock, Jennifer Ann

Morris, Angela Marie Morris, Benjamin Nicholas Moss, Jonathan Randall Mueller, Mark Francis Nelson, Andrew Frederick Newton, Diane Ruth Nuthalapaty, Francis S Nyunt, Soe

Oh, Paul Youngbok

OKeefe, Kraigher Allan Oksanen, Owen David O'Neill, Stacey Sheasley Osterberg, Hattina Denise Ottavio, Peter

Palmer, Emily Davis

Papalas, John Anthony
Parab, Minoti Vilas

Parker, Justin Christopher Paruchuri, Lakshmi Priya Parwani, Vivek

Patel, Kinnaresh Sureshbhai Patel, Sanjay Arun

Pavlisko, Elizabeth Nunnery Perumal, Shankar

Peterson, Cecily Karen
Pham, DuyKhanh Thi
Pham, Hung Xuan

Phillips, Yalonda La-Niece Podber, Jason Scott

Prescott, Michael Steven Puskarich, Michael Alexander Qadeer, Mohammed Abdul Qureshi, Hina

Ray, Jayanta

Rayala, Christopher Zaguirre Redden, Kelly King

Reddy, Naveena Mainampati Reese, Matthew Edward Reimann, Julie Dylan Regan Reiser, John Michael Ridgeway, Robert Lee

March 17-19, 2010

Robicheaux, Greg Anthony

Robinett, Stephanie Ann

Robinson, Daniel George

Rowell, Candra Elita

Rubinson, Howard Alan

Ryan, Andrew

Saft, Elizabeth Lynne

Sakr, Mark James

Salameh, Nabil Peter

Salami, Saka Ademola

Salary, Montell Dupree'

Saltzmann, Robert Michael

Sangwan, Seema

Santin, Amy Jo

Schauberger, James Scott

Schrader, Laura Jean

Schranz, Craig Ian

Schroth, Kelley Stephens

Schuchard, Gregory Harold

Schuetze, David Paul

See, Sein Yin

Selley, Jeremy Kent

Shadzeka, Edwin

Shaner, Brian Allen

Sharief, Mohammad Fazalullah

Shchelchkov, Evgeniy

Shedd, Omer Lee

Shield, Christian Edward

Shimukowa, Makondo

Skaskiw, Anna

Smith, Marsha Marek

Snyder, Ryan

Spallino, John Frank

Spohn, Peter John

Sprague, Marie Ann

Stair, Richard Wayne

Steffey, Clinton Scott

Stevens, Justin Dale

Stringham, J Riley

Stuckey, Jason Hugh

Sutton, Jill Marie

Tang, Jennifer Hui-Yu

Tanimu, Zakari Danlami

Tayloe, David Thomas

Thomas, Benjamin Michael

Thomas, Karin Elizabeth

March 17-19, 2010

Thomas, Renee Bethea

Thompson, Carl

Thompson, Stephen Brian

Tuel, Stephen Michael

Upadhya, Bharathi

Vineyard, Joseph Carmichael

Vinikoor, Michael Jeffrey

Vogler, Sarah Anne

Volk, Sarah Ellen

Volpitto, George David

Vyas, Bavna Bagyalakshmi

Wadnerkar, Rahul

Wallace, James Grier

Watts, John Alexander

Wheeler, Thomas L

Wiech, Carolyn Anne

Williams Ramirez, Carlos Augusto

Williams, Christine Anne

Yaste, Jeffrey Jon-Michael

Yousefzadeh, Naghmeh

Yung, Steven Chin Sing


Brownlee, Noel Anderson Flemmings, Michelle Andrea Freels, Douglas Boyd Graham, Garth Prinsloo Haas, Erwin Joseph Havlin, Kathleen Anne Hemsley, Hugh Hambleton Henrich, Douglas Edwin Jaffer, Sukaina Jaffer James, James Franklin Lindsay, Nikita Williams Matsuyama, Duke Tsukasa Panigrahi, Tanmay Slotwiner, Alexander Joachim Stevenson, Paul Andrew Sullivan, Raymond Charles Summers, Erik Christian Tsai, David Bye-Shin


Bride, John Paul

Metts, Robert Ernest

Segebarth, Paul Bradley

March 17-19, 2010

Faculty Limited License
Crane, Andrea Kuntaraf
Heyns, Marthinus Daneel
Stavri, George Theodore
Verkauf, Barry Stephen
Walker, Robert Griffith
Xie, Donghua

Retired Volunteer License

Steiner, Harry Emile

Special Volunteer License
Amrol, Jennifer Gregory
Lewis, Darrell Vincent

Initial PA Applicants Licensed



01/01/10 – 02/28/10

Adams, Jason David


Basham, Brian C


Blackwell, Jessica Slaughter


Bonito, Jeffrey T.


Brock, Jared Layne


Brock, Megan Leigh


Burne, Brian Alan


Burns, Natalie Ann


Del Rosario, Josephine Vida


Deutsch, Michael


Embry, Brandy Lee


Eng, John


Evans, Michael Dean


Filzer, Sofia


Fischer, Rebecca Gasperson


Fischer, Taylor Lee


Green, Sarah Elizabeth


Hanneman, Mariya Michailivna


Hardin, Lindsey Crowe


Hayslett, Bonnie Marie


Hill, Sylvie Kiaku


Irvin, Stephen Brooks


Jackson, Joann Kate


Jaeger, Nicole Lauren


Johnson, Kevin Scott


Keller, Mary Louise


Keller, Michael Tyrrell


March 17-19, 2010

Kellermeyer, Angela Marie


King, Kevin John


Kirichenko, Tatyana


Krupski, Christina


LaCoursiere, Julie Turner


Langston, Melanie Fox


Lee, Amanda Warren


Manning, Jaime Elizabeth


Michaels, Chase Anderson


Mooring, Casi Lynn


Newcomb, Joseph Ralph


O'Connell, John Jennings


O'Connor, James Carroll


O'Regan, Janathea Marie


Pike, Jeffrey Russell


Poston, Jaclyn Nicole


Register, Brooke Allison


Remsey, Margarite E.


Robbins, Tracy Lane


Rudicil, Harold Scott


Sabol, Michael Edward


Sanders, Britney Kasey


Scott, Jennifer Benfield


Sicilia, Jasmine Danielle


Smith, Julian Kevin


Stallings, Howard Wright


Sullivan, Emily Bennett


Taylor, Penny Hare


Turner, Theresa Elizabeth


Upah, Nicole


Vonk, Joy Hannah


Wandel, Emily Jo


Watts, Willie Mack


Williams, Allison Ruth


Wilson, Amanda Irons


Yeskel, Sarah Eve


Young, Lindsay Erin



PA-Cs Reactivations/Reinstatements/Re-Entries

Johnson, Walter                                     Reinstatement          01/27/2010

Moretz, Katherine Clark                          Reinstatement          02/03/2010

Rudicil, Harold Scott                               Reinstatement          01/27/2010

March 17-19, 2010

Additional Supervisor List – 01/01/10 – 01/30/10

Name                                                  Primary Supervisor                                   Practice City

Adams, Jason                                        Allen, David                                             Lumberton

Alvarez, Osvaldo                                   Harrelson, Anna                                     Asheville

Ardelean, Rhonda                                  Burke, Lisa                                              Charlotte

Bacalis, Katrina                                      Van Voorhis, Kerry                                Charlotte

Baker, Kacie                                           Morris, William                                         Charlotte

Barber, Alvin                                          Liffrig, James                                          Ft. Bragg

Basham, Brian                                        Miekley, Scott                                          Fayetteville

Benjamin, Alexis                                     Ellis, Clarence                                         Charlotte

Benjamin, Alexis                                     Pettis, Karlton                                          Charlotte

Benjamin, Alexis                                     Taylor, Latimer                                        Charlotte

Bergmark, Lisa                                       Kiratzis, Philip                                          Asheville

Bhiro, Dixie                                             Wells, Wendell                                        Laurel Hill

Bhiro, Thakurdeo                                    Wells, Wendell                                        Laurel Hill

Blaylock, Kimberlee                                Pollock, David                                          Winston Salem

Bloedow, Becky                                     Bate, David                                             Hendersonville

Bosch, David                                          Elbeery, Joseph                                      Greenville

Boyette, Tammy                                      Desai, Pratik                                            Cary

Boyette, Tammy                                      Desai, Sunil                                             Cary

Boyette, Tammy                                      Macomber, Joshua                                 Cary

Boyette, Tammy                                      Netrebko, Pavlo                                       Cary

Boyette, Tammy                                      Shah, Dhirenkumar                                 Cary

Bradshaw, Shanna                                Demas, Ronald                                        Wilmington

Bradshaw, Shanna                                Frankos, Mary                                         Wilmington

Bradshaw, Shanna                                Heter, Michael                                         Southport

Bray, Jeffrey                                          Weeke, Paul                                            High Point

Burne, Brian                                           Koeleveld, Robin                                     Raleigh

Buschbach, Stacie                                 Lin, Shu                                                   Durham

Buschemeyer, Kristin                             Burt, Mark                                               Raleigh

Buschemeyer, Kristin                             Silver, William                                          Raleigh

Carruthers, Adam                                   Rudisill, Elbert                                          Hickory

Caruso, James                                       Hussain, Khwaja                                    Goldsboro

Chamberlain, Kristin                                Ponder, Jerome                                       Fayetteville

Chauncey Jazayeri, Anna                      Aldridge, Barbara                                   Mebane

Chazan, Jennifer                                    Bruce-Mensah, Kofi                                Raleigh

Clark, Adam                                            Davis, Cheryl                                          Laurinburg

Coburn, Lindsay                                     Duggan, Thomas                                     Morehead City

Davanzo, Michael                                   McGowen, Timothy                                 Winston Salem

Davis, Sara                                             Perry, Lawrence                                    Ramseur

Dawson, Melanie                                    Van Voorhis, Kerry                                Charlotte

Despaigne, Policarpo                              Saunders, George                                  Calabash

Deyto, Jenny                                          Kalish, Michael                                        Greensboro

March 17-19, 2010

Diaz, Roger                                             Pearson, Marilyn                                     Smithfield

Dowdall, Michelle                                    Galland, Mark                                          Wake Forest

Drinkwater, Don                                      Gollehon, Douglas                                   Cary

Drinkwater, Don                                      McClure, Mark                                         Raleigh

DuCharme, Robert                                  Harrelson, Anna                                     Asheville

Dundore, David                                       Olivito, Francesco                                   Fayetteville

Ellis, Patricia                                            Shah, Abid                                              Louisburg

Enoch, Jenna                                          Hughes, Ronald                                      Whitakers

Foxworth, Nicole                                    Bate, David                                             Hendersonville

Gainey, Sarah                                         Morris, Deborah                                      Fayetteville

Galban, Carlos                                        Smith, Ronald                                          Fayetteville

Gamache, Jennifer                                 Kann, Joel                                               Wake Forest

Garvey, Gina                                          Carnes, Kenneth                                     Raleigh

Garvey, Gina                                          Ferrell, William                                         Raleigh

Garvey, Gina                                          Gabr, Rhonda                                         Raleigh

Giddings, Joseph                                    Gennosa, Thomas                                  Robersonville

Goldbaum, Ross                                     Parsons, Alden                                       Raleigh

Greene, Kate                                          Osborne, Jody                                        Asheboro

Griffith, John                                           Pridgen, James                                       Whiteville

Halpin, John                                            Smith, Roberts                                        Durham

Harris, Tasha                                          Crocker, Daniel                                       Rocky Mount

Harris, Tasha                                          Phipps, Ervin                                           Nashville

Hazelton, Renee                                     Sugarman, Joel                                       Cornelius

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     Adusumilli, Sankar                                  Raleigh

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     Armour, Edouard                                    Cary

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     Bhiwandiwalla, Pouruchis                      Raleigh

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     Carlino, Richard                                      Raleigh

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     Gollehon, Douglas                                   Cary

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     MacPhee, Keelee                                    Raleigh

Hlavacek, Sarah                                     Martini, Douglas                                      Cary

Holt, Carole                                             Slatkoff, Marc                                         Winston Salem

Humphrey, Susan                                   Gerancher, Karen                                   Winston Salem

Huss, Elizabeth                                       VanNess, William                                    Mooresville

Johnson, Kevin                                       Sico, Chrisandra                                     Kinston

Kapa, Stephen                                        Gupta, Manoj                                           Fayetteville

Kapa, Stephen                                        Miekley, Scott                                          Fayetteville

Karr, Christina                                         Sachar, Ravish                                       Raleigh

Keen, Robert                                           Aluisio, Frank                                          Greensboro

Keen, Robert                                           Collins, Robert                                         Greensboro

Kenjale, Himanshu                                  Holmes, James                                        Winston Salem

Kerekes, Alison                                      Kann, Joel                                               Raleigh

Kirichenko, Tatyana                                Wentz, Elliott                                           Greensboro

Kirk, John                                                Aul, Christopher                                      Fayetteville

Kober, Charles                                        Kuroski-Mazzei, Alyson                          Greensboro

Kouba, Jessica                                       Miekley, Scott                                          Fayetteville

Krupski, Christina                                    Saman, Shaker                                       Elizabeth City

March 17-19, 2010

La Rocque, Paul                                      Harrelson, Anna                                     Asheville

La Rocque, Paul                                      Lee, Melvin                                              Boone

Labore, Francis                                      McEntire, Jerrill                                        Morganton

Lamphere, Jeffrey                                  Chaudhry, Abdul                                     Raleigh

Leiken, Shuli                                            Collins, Roger                                          Cary

Massey-McMahan, Jenny                       Trigg, David                                             Sylva

Maxson, Michelle                                    Rose, Geoffrey                                       Charlotte

Mayhue, Susan                                       Ketheeswaran, Markandu                      Fayetteville

Mayhue, Susan                                       Spooner, Linda                                       Fayetteville

Mayo, Julia                                              Howe, David                                           Winston Salem

McClung, Angela                                     Doolittle, Robert                                       Greensboro

McClung, Angela                                     Sena, Carol                                             Greensboro

Melgar, Tammy                                        Cervi, Mark                                              Greenville

Melgar, Tammy                                        Leonhardt, Gary                                     Greenville

Mistovich, Danielle                                  Ibegbu, Ikechukwu                                  Kinston

Moraitis, Laura                                        Paranjape, Suvinay                                 Elizabeth City

Morgan, Londyn                                      Dudley, Robert                                        Marion

Munn, William                                          Skinner, Nadine                                       Rocky Mount

Muse, Rochelle                                       Kalish, Michael                                        High Point

Muse, Rochelle                                       Kelly, Samuel                                          High Point

Nelson, Stacy                                         Bridgman, John                                       Southern Pines

Norris, Brandy                                        Whitman, Bruce                                      Lumberton

Phelps, Cathy                                          Cregan, Gregg                                        Winston Salem

Poston, Jaclyn                                        Reyes, Rodolfo                                       Lillington

Prouty, Mary                                           D'Angio, Salvatore                                  Marion

Rattien, Jennifer                                      Olivito, Francesco                                   Sanford

Reid, Kim                                                 Zastrow, Joseph                                    China Grove

Rinkenberg, Kristen                                Biggerstaff, Daniel                                  Winston Salem

Rippel, Janet                                           Jones, Monica                                         Raleigh

Rose, Walter                                           Buckner, Donald                                     Sylva

Rudd, Terra                                             Davis, Robert                                          Edenton

Rudicil, Harold                                         Poehling, Gary                                        Winston Salem

Saez, Elizabeth                                       DePietro, Perry                                        Charlotte

Sanders, Britney                                     Cathcart, Cornelius                                 Henderson

Scott, Jennifer                                        Futch, William                                          New Bern

Sharpe, Katherine                                   Jacobs, Danny                                        Durham

Sicilia, Jasmine                                        Marisiddaiah, Harish                               Gastonia

Sierra, Mariaeugenia                               Aul, Christopher                                      Fayetteville

Simon, Spencer                                      Hook, Matthew                                        Raleigh

Simon, Spencer                                      Sinden, John                                           Raleigh

Smart, Deana                                          Ritchie, John                                           Winston Salem

Smith, Melissa                                         Daily, Celine                                            Wilmington

Spicer, Blai                                              Burke, Lisa                                              Charlotte

Spitler, Mary                                            Gaskin, Steve                                         Concord

Stratton, Suzonne                                   Lowe, Stephan                                       Winston Salem

Stringer, Byron                                       Bryan, Charles                                        Asheville

March 17-19, 2010

Taylor, Jacob                                          Barnett, Ley                                            Fuquay-Varina

Taylor, Jennifer                                      Grine, Reynold                                        Pinehurst

Thomas, Whitney                                    Hopper, Kelly                                          Kannapolis

Tolhurst, Mari                                          Finch, George                                         Rutherfordton

Tolhurst, Mari                                          Korn, Scott                                              Rutherfordton

Turner, Theresa                                     Singh, Brajendra                                     Burgaw

Weaver, Arlondra                                   Mijumbi, Olivia                                          Gastonia

Weiss, Stanley                                       Sloan, Randy                                          Surf City

Wighton, Stephanie                                Arain, Shazia                                          Monroe

Williams, Tanya                                       Pacicco, Thomas                                    Charlotte

Williams, Tanya                                       Sigmon, Richard                                      Charlotte

Williams, Tanya                                       Yavorski, Robert                                     Charlotte

Zurich, Kathleen                                     Cohen, Amy                                            Asheville

Additional Supervisor List – 02/01/10 – 02/28/10


Name                                                  Primary Supervisor                                   Practice City

Abraham, Mufiyda                                  Turlington, Wade                                     Jacksonville

Ardelean, Rhonda                                  Bregier, Charles                                      Charlotte

Ardelean, Rhonda                                  Lacroix, Christopher                               Faison

Ardelean, Rhonda                                  Whitmer, Gilbert                                      Fayetteville

Babb, Richard                                         Baule, Raymond                                      Rocky Mount

Babb, Richard                                         Boone, Stephen                                      Raleigh

Babb, Richard                                         Bovard, Scott                                          Louisberg

Babb, Richard                                         Carr, James                                            Raleigh

Bailey, Cortis                                          Moulton, Michael                                     Wilmington

Beeman, Sandra                                     Brown, Howard                                      Oak Island

Best, Roger                                            Pacos, Andrew                                      Louisburg

Biter, Scott                                              Harris, Timothy                                        Raleigh

Blackwell, Jessica                                  Hart, Darlington                                       Charlotte

Brinke, Paige                                           Keely, Paul                                              Murphy

Brock, Lauren                                         Fowler, Wesley                                      Asheville

Brown, Alicia                                          Jacobs, Danny                                        Durham

Buck, Philip                                             McAllister, John                                      Lumberton

Buck, Philip                                             Pacos, Andrew                                      Smithfield

Bullock, Sonya                                        Feasel, Michael                                       Roanoke Rapids

Burns, Natalie                                         Rodriguez, Luis                                       Ahoskie

Buschemeyer, Kristin                             Adusumilli, Sankar                                  Raleigh

Buschemeyer, Kristin                             Andersen, William                                   Cary

Buschemeyer, Kristin                             Boone, Stephen                                      Raleigh

Caffey, Karen                                         Kimberly, George                                    Mocksville

Caffey, Karen                                         Weeks, Landon                                       Pfafftown

Carlson, William                                      Barr, John                                               Cleveland

Cochran, Teresa                                    Jimenez, Shannon                                  Goldsboro

DeRose, Sarah                                       Jobe, Robert                                           Raleigh

Deyto, Jenny                                          Burnett, Brent                                         Summerfield

March 17-19, 2010

Deyto, Jenny                                            Orr, Richard                                            High Point

Drinkwater, Don                                       Boone, Stephen                                      Tampa

Eakin, Marc                                              Wiggins, David                                        Thomasville

Evette, Michelle                                        Mehta, Anita                                            Charlotte

Evitts, Emma                                             Sullivan, David                                        Charlotte

Filzer, Sofia                                              Byrd, Jeffrey                                          Laurinburg

Gatlin, Stephen                                        Kendrick, Alfred                                      Indian Trail

Goo, Bianca                                             Dave, Nailesh                                          Lillington

Gould, Laura                                            James, Robert                                         Greenville

Graham, Barry                                         Ugah, Nwannadiya                                 Pembroke

Graham, Jennifer                                     Doss, Ashwin S. Kadaramandalige        Pembroke

Green-Odlum, Anya                                 Warburton, Samuel                                 Durham

Hamilton, Brianne                                     Burishkin, Daniel                                     Asheville

Hanneman, Mariya                                   Dunaway, Byron                                    Statesville

Hardin, Lindsey                                        Smith, Robert                                          Mills River

Hart, David                                               Zacco, Arthur                                         Apex

Hemp, Antoinette                                     Lee, Melvin                                              Boone

Henderson, David                                    Sanchez-Rivera, Efrain                          Fayetteville

Hendricks, Carmen                                  Umesi, Joseph                                        Lillington

Hlavacek, Sarah                                      Boone, Stephen                                      Tampa

Hough, Brian                                            Barnes, Daniel                                        Pinehurst

Hunt, Hal                                                  Davis, Cheryl                                          Laurinburg

Irvin, Stephen                                           Burton, Philip                                           Wake Forest

Jackson, Heather                                     Antezana, James                                    Charlotte

Jaeger, Nicole                                          Rich, Preston                                          Chapel Hill

Jones, Kathy                                            Gupta, Manoj                                           Fayetteville

Jones, Quinnette                                      Byrne, Jennie                                          Chapel Hill

Jones, Quinnette                                      Taavoni, Shohreh                                   Chapel Hill

Jones, William                                          Hnilica, Mark                                            Winston Salem

Karr, Christina                                          Go, Brian                                                 Raleigh

Keller, Mary                                              Powell, Michele                                       Winston Salem

Keller, Michael                                          Logan, Jennifer                                       Dobson

Keller, Philip                                              McPherson, Scott                                   Nags Head

Kirsch, Eric                                              Nami, Alireza                                           Charlotte

Konigsberg, Audrey                                D'Angio, Salvatore                                  Marion

Kuhn, Lindsay                                          Preik, Curtis                                             Charlotte

Kurtz, Harry                                             Boone, Stephen                                      Tampa Bay

LaFlure, Christopher                                Vick, Ralph                                              Huntersville

Land, Phillip                                              Cornell, David                                          Greensboro

Land, Phillip                                              Lacroix, Christopher                               Clinton

Langley, Dawn                                        Ugah, Nwannadiya                                 Maxton

Langston, Melanie                                    Guha, Subrata                                        Raleigh

Lee, Amanda                                           Gupta, Manoj                                           Fayetteville

Leiken, Shuli                                             Boone, Stephen                                      Tampa

Lenze, Michele                                         Brodie, Bruce                                          Greensboro

Lockett, Amy                                            Townsend, Robert                                  Raeford

Mahiquez, Jose                                        Minior, Daniel                                           Dunn

Malanka, Phyllis                                        Buglisi, Lucille                                         Jacksonville

Mann, Karen                                            Coward, Karen                                       Macclesfield

March 17-19, 2010

Martin, Kraig                                             Tokunboh, Julius                                     Charlotte

Maseda, Maureen                                    Jones, Robert                                         Durham

McNaught, Noelle                                     Sullivan, Matthew                                   Charlotte

Melgar, Tammy                                         Lacroix, Christopher                             Warsaw

Mercer, Minnie                                         Zinicola, Daniel                                        Rocky Point

Miller, Dana                                              El-Khoury, Semaan                                 Aulander

Morehart, Jodi                                          Brown, Robert                                        Asheboro

Nicka, Anna                                             Fulp, Cammie                                         Stedman

O'Connell, John                                        Moody, Mark                                           Asheville

O'Grady, Holly                                          Seitz, Kent                                              Winston Salem

Oliver, Linda                                             Farmer, Timothy                                      Brevard

Osborne, Kelly                                         Hoxworth, Benjamin                               Greensboro

Pack, Karen                                             Ward, Nina                                              Elizabethtown

Panchikal, Pamela                                    Swartz, Zachary                                    Greensboro

Pickett, Katherine                                     Smith, Candace                                       Winston Salem

Pike, Jeffrey                                             Spooner, Linda                                      Fayetteville

Placide, Frances                                      Winchester, Blythe                                Cherokee

Powell, Jesse                                          Reindollar, Robert                                   Statesville

Puckett, Mary                                           Trigg, David                                             Sylva

Quiles, Carmen                                        Aul, Christopher                                    Fayetteville

Rendall, David                                          Phillips, Harry                                          Durham

Robinson, Michael                                    Luoma, David                                          Dallas

Ryan, Brandon                                         Sloan, Randy                                         Holly Ridge

Sampson, Kelvin                                      Morando, Donald                                   Fairmont

Schuette, Nora                                         Naslund, Patricia                                    Raleigh

Shaffer, James                                        Johnson, Scott                                      Ft Bragg

Shanton, Gregory                                    Mikhail, Ashraf                                        Jacksonville

Shilkitus, William                                       Furie, David                                           Pinehurst

Sierra, Mariaeugenia                                Dockery, Martina                                     Raeford

Sierra, Mariaeugenia                                Fernandez, Gabriel                                 Raeford

Silberstein, Kristina                                  Yarnall, Kimberly                                     Durham

Smith, Julian                                             Harris, Timothy                                      Raleigh

Stallings, Howard                                    Drake, Almond                                        Greenville

Sullivan, Emily                                          Achreja, Manjeet                                   Seagrove

Talbert, Karen                                          Dimkpa, Rajeshree                                 Mocksville

Taylor, Penny                                           Arnold, Terry                                         Lexington

Treat, Branigan                                        Brinn, Nathan                                          Greenville

Trum, Christopher                                    Cairns, Bruce                                        Chapel Hill

Upah, Nicole                                             Gupta, Manoj                                         Fayetteville

Vainio, Leigh                                            Rudins, Andrew                                     Asheville

Van Ooteghem, Christopher                    Pacos, Andrew                                      Louisburg

Washington, Sandra                                Mann, Scott                                             Raleigh

Westbrook, James                                   Isaacs, Steven                                        Elkin

Williams, Allison                                       Yanuck, Michael                                     Washington

Wilson, Amanda                                       Helton, Todd                                            Raleigh

Wynn, Chileatha                                       Mask, Allen                                             Raleigh

Zagon, Laura                                           Cornell, David                                          Greensboro

March 17-19, 2010


Present: Thomas Hill, MD, Chair, Peggy Robinson PA-C, George Saunders, MD, Jane Paige,

Lori King, CPCS, Marcus Jimison, Nancy Hemphill, Mike Borden, Lisa Shock

Absent: Quanta Williams, Christina Apperson

Open Session

PA Expedited Applications. N. Hemphill discussed the proposed rule regarding expedited licensure. Draft review of 21 NCAC 32BB.0801 Expedited Application for Physician Assistant Licensure.

Board Action: Accept second draft of PA Rule 21 NCAC 32BB.0801 for adoption.

PAs Practicing During a Disaster. N. Hemphill discussed revisions to the rule regarding limited Physician Assistant license for disasters and emergencies. Draft review of revisions to 21 NCAC 32S.0219 Limited Physician Assistant License for Disasters and Emergencies.

Board Action:

Change verbiage of section ÒCÓ to: The physician assistant must practice under the direct supervision of an on-site physician. The supervising physician must be licensed in this State or approved to practice in this State during a disaster or state of emergency pursuant to G.S. 90­12.5 and 21 NCAC 32Bxxx. The physician assistant may only perform those medical acts, tasks, and functions delegated by the supervising physician.

Leave Section ÒEÓ included.

Accept revised draft of 21 NCAC 32S.0219 Limited Physician Assistant License for Disasters and Emergencies for adoption.

PA CME Rule. M. Jimison discussed 21 NCAC 32S.0216 Continuing Medical Education. Present rule and proposed rule discussed.

Board Action: Accept draft of revised PA Rule 21 NCAC 32S.0216 for adoption.

PA Old Business. Follow-up from the January 2010 AHC meeting regarding PAs with over five Primary Supervising Physicians. The NCMB will not carve out a specific exception for surgical PAs to the existing PA Rules.

Board Action: Accept as information.

EMS Chemical Dependency Treatment Program. Per Dr. Kanof: During legislative session, HB 878 was introduced and subsequently ratified which expanded the duties of the Secretary of DHHS to establish a recovery and rehabilitation program for EMS professionals with chemical addiction or abuse problems. Rules have been drafted and the program should be up and running by the Nursing Board by July 1, 2010.

Board Action: Accept as information.

March 17-19, 2010

Open Session Anesthesiology Assistants
No items for discussion.

Open Session Nurse Practitioners
No items for discussion.

Open Session Clinical Pharmacists
No Items for discussion.

Open Session Perfusionists

Perfusionist Report. Open session portion of PAC meeting minutes (January & February).

Board Action: Accept as information.

Open Session Polysomnography
No items for discussion

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

Six cases were discussed. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.


JANUARY 21 – FEBRUARY 03, 2010

List of Initial Applicants

Text Box: NPNAME                          PRIMARY SUPERVISOR                       PRACTICE CITY

BAXTER, CATHERINE                              CHEIFETZ, IRA                                                               DURHAM

CARMICHAEL, ELIZABETH                   JOE, RANDALL                                                              ASHEVILLE

CONNOR, MARLON                                BULLARD, ANDREW                                                  SALISBURY

GREEN, LORI                                              CARRERAS, JORGE                                                      SYLVA

March 17-19, 2010

HOFFMANN, ALYSSA                           BURKE-HAYNES, KAREN                                      RALEIGH

MCCARTHY, BRIAN                               CHANDLER, MARK                                                  DURHAM

ROBERTS, KARI                                       OLIVERIO, MICHAEL                                              RALEIGH


AMOS, KATHLEEN                                 LEINICKE, JEFFREY                                                  SALISBURY

ARNETTE, TOMMIE                               BRINN, NATHAN                                                      GREENVILLE

BARNARD, THERESA                            ALI, ROBIN                                                                  DURHAM

BORNTRAGER, ELIZABETH                VOLOW, MICHAEL                                                  GARNER

CLAMP, NICOLE                                     SEWANYANA, STEVEN                                           CHARLOTTE

DAVIS, EMILY                                           AUL, CHRISTOPHER                                               FAYETTEVILLE

DICKERHOFF, JAMIE                            AUL, CHRISTOPHER                                               FAYETTEVILLE

DIEMONT, ANGELA                              LE, MARK                                                                     CORNELIUS

FORMYDUVAL, ANDREA                    VERRETT, CHARLOTTE                                           CHADBOURN

GORDON, KIMBERLY                           HURLEY, ROBIN                                                        SALISBURY

HAAS, MARILYN                                     SOUFAS, MARIANNE                                              ASHEVILLE

HARALDSON, LORELL                         HALL, SANDRA                                                          WILMINGTON

HUBBELL, SARA                                      JEFFERSON, HENRY                                                CARY

JONES, PAULA                                         LAWAL, ADEYEMI                                                    RALEIGH

KILBY, MIRANDA                                   AHMED, SYED                                                            SHELBY

MCLAWHORN, VICKI                          ASCH, ADAM                                                              GREENVILLE,

MILLER, NORMA                                    VOULGAROPOULOS, MENELAOS                   STATESVILLE

MINTZ-SMITH, RASHONDA             TURNER, JOHN                                                         ALBEMARLE

MOREHEAD, BETTY                               JONES, STEPHEN                                                      SHELBY

MORGAN, EILEEN                                  SPOONER, LINDA                                                    FAYETTEVILLE

NEAL, CYNCERE                                      BRINN, NATHAN                                                      GREENVILLE

NEWMAN, PEGGY                                 THIGPEN, FRONIS                                                   WHITE LAKE

O'NEAL, LESLIE                                        BELEN, ALFRED                                                         HIGH POINT

ORMOND, MARY                                   GROSSELL, MICHAEL                                             SHELBY

SANDER, SUSAN                                     VOLKMER, DONALD                                              SALISBURY

SCISM, ELIZABETH                                JONES, STEPHEN                                                      SHELBY

SHULTMAN, DEBRA                             BLAKE, PAUL                                                              CHARLOTTE

STAMEY, HEATHER                                ALEXANDER, JAMES                                               CHARLOTTE

THOMAS, CHRISTINE                           HARRELL, SAMPSON                                             WINDSOR

THOMPSON, S. BETH                           GODARD, MICHAEL                                               CARY

THOMPSON, DEBRA                            BRINN, NATHAN                                                      GREENVILLE

TIRSCH, LADA                                          MOSS, LARRY                                                             DURHAM

TURNER, LISA                                          BRADLEY, BETTY                                                       ASHEBORO

VANDERGRIFT, PATTY                         WELLMAN, SAMUEL                                              HICKORY

WHITE, ELIZABETH                               ALDRIDGE, BARBARA                                            MEBANE

YOUNG-FRITCHIE, LEANNE              DAILEY, TIMOTHY                                                    BOONE

March 17-19, 2010

FEBRUARY 04 - 17, 2010
List of Initial Applicants

Text Box: NPNAME                          PRIMARY SUPERVISOR                       PRACTICE CITY

AHRING, RACHEAL                 GARRETT, JAMES                                JACKSONVILLE

BUTTS, MAUREEN                   WRIGHT, DAVID                                   DURHAM


CORREDOR, DIANE                 MELISSA                                              CHARLOTTE

FERRY, EVAN                         MILLS, JOHN                                        HENDERSON

FOH, MARIAMA                       IRION, JAMES                                       GREENSBORO

HOLCOMB, MEAGAN              SUTTER, JENNIFER                               GREENVILLE

MITCHELL, SUSAN                  JONES, ENRICO                                    WINSTON-SALEM

NIXON, TRACI                          RHODES, CHARLES                             CONCORD

REYER, ERIC                           FEINSON, THEODORE                          RALEIGH

SCHEAR, NANCY                    HARRIS, JAMES                                   CAMP LEJEUNE


WALKER, THANH                    MOUNSEY, JOHN                                 CHAPEL HILL

WOODARD, CHARLSIE           ALMASRI, GHIATH                               GREEVNILLE

ZIMON, TERRI                          COCKRELL, WILEY                              WHITAKERS


PAYSOUR, NORA                   THOMPSON, DONOVAN                      LINCOLNTON

PREVATTE, DIANE                  KHOSHNEVIS, PARVIZ                        ROCKINGHAM

PREVATTE, DIANE                  AHDIEH, MASOUD                                ROCKINGHAM

SWAIN, PAMELA                     HEAVNER, TERESA                             MURPHY

BEARD BYRD, KAREN            HINSON, THOMAS                                WINSTON SALEM

DAWSON, MARGARET           SANCHEZ, JOHN                                  KITTY HAWK

DILLON, AMY                          HOGSETTE, GERALD                           WINSTON-SALEM

HILL, LANA                             VORWALD, FREDERICK                       MOORESVILLE

LEWIS, MARGARET                GASKINS, RAYMOND                          FAYETTEVILLE

MURPHY, VICTORY                KEENER, STEPHEN                               CHARLOTTE

SAYLOR, NATALIE                 BOOTH, KELLY                                    CONCORD

STEVENS, TANYA                  FELDMAN, KRISTEN                             RALEIGH

TOLLEY, JODI                         MCDONALD, THADDEUS                     RALEIGH

LEWIS, MARGARET                MORRIS, DEBORAH                             EASTOVER

PLENTL, MARIA                       LUKES, ANDREA                                  DURHAM

SMITH, SHERRY                      ROBERSON, JENNIFER                         KINSTON

CAPRIO, CATHERINE               SOBERANO, ARLENE                          CHAPEL HILL

ZEIGLER, SONYA                   KOOISTRA, CAROL                             COLUMBUS

COUSINS, MELISSA                JONES, ENRICO                                    GREENSBORO

HILBERT, KAREN                     CORVIN, KAREN                                  RALEIGH

HUEY, BARBARA                   GARMAN, STEVE                                 ELIZABETH CITY

YEBOAH, MAVIS                    DOONQUAH, KOFI                               REIDSVILLE,


March 17-19, 2010

PLUMER, DEVON                     SANCHEZ-RIVERA, EFRAIN                 FAYETTEVILLE

WELLS, CHERYL                     POLANCO, LEONARD                          GRAHAM

GILBERT, PAULA                    JOHANSON, WILLIAM                          MORGANTON

FEBRUARY 18 – MARCH 03, 2010
List of Initial Applicants

Text Box: NPNAME                          PRIMARY SUPERVISOR                       PRACTICE CITY

DEAL, MELISSA                                       KASSMAN, NEIL                                                         STATESVILLE

HAYMORE, KATHERINE                      GARDNER, JAMES                                                     WINSTON SALEM

HOUSTON, KIMBERLY                         SCHWANKL, JAMES                                                 SILER CITY

JOLLY, MELISSA                                      MILLER, MICHAEL                                                    STATESVILLE

LUMSDEN, LAURA                                LENFESTEY, ROBERT                                                DURHAM

MALLORY, JUDY                                     VARGAS, CARLOS                                                      ASHEVILLE

MARRERO, JENNIFER                          THOMASON, MICHAEL                                          CHARLOTTE

NOEVERE, ERIC                                       KASTNER, ROBERT                                                    JACKSONVILLE

SMITH, HEATHER                                   MARZBANI, SIAMAK                                                SMITHFIELD

WATERS, SARAH                                    CHANG, PATRICIA                                                    CHAPEL HILL

WHITEHEART, KATHRYN                   WRIGHT, PATRICK                                                   GREENSBORO


AGUILAR, LYNETTE                               FREDRIKSEN, SUSAN                                               FRANKLIN

ASKEW-JACKSON, TERI                      ZERVOS, EMMANUEL                                              GREENVILLE

BYRD, SARAH                                           SNYDER, DANAL                                                        ROANOKE RAPIDS

CRANFORD, CHARITY                          ERLANDSON, STEPHEN                                          ELKIN

CROWDER, GREGORY                         FERGUSON, THOMAS                                             GREENVILLE

DAVIS, CAROLYN                                   HARKINS, PAUL                                                         STATESVILLE

DAVIS, BARBARA                                   CHAMBERS, JEFFREY                                               DURHAM

DOLLAR, PAMELA                                 THEVAOS, GEORGE                                                  MONROE

DOWD, LISA                                             HAHN, CAROL                                                             RALEIGH

FRECHMAN, ERICA                               ALLEN, ANDREA                                                         CONCORD

GILBERT, KATIE                                       RHYNE, JANELLE                                                        WILMINGTON

GREENE, NATASHA                               TRINH, THUHUONG                                                DURHAM

HALL, BARBARA                                     RUSS, DONALD                                                          HICKORY

HANSEN, DENISE                                   LAWSON, ELLEN                                                        ASHEVILLE

HARMON, JAMES                                  COLLINS-OGLE, MICHELLE                                  HENDERSON

HENDERSON, CHERYL                         GUHA, SUBRATA                                                       RALEIGH

HOPKINS, TERESA                                 REICHOW, KAREN                                                    WILMINGTON

HUDIMAC, CAMILLE                            MAROOF, SHAHEDA                                                RALEIGH

HULIHAN, DEIRDRE                             MCQUISTON, CHRISTINA                                     ASHEVILLE

HUTSON MOORE, TRACY                   REICHOW, KAREN                                                    WILMINGTON

LAMSON, CYNTHIA                               WHITMORE, EDNA                                                   CHERRY PT

LANIER, JODI                                           COOK, LELAND                                                           HICKORY

March 17-19, 2010

LINK, MAUREEN                                     SMITH, ROBERT                                                           CHARLOTTE

LINTHICUM, BENJAMIN                    SMITH, ROBERTS                                                         DURHAM

LOUCKS, KATHLEEN                             KRAUS, EMILY                                                               RALEIGH

MASON, DAWN                                      BURKE, JAMES                                                              LEXINGTON

MIKULANINEC, CLAUDIA                  TRINH, THUHUONG                                                  WS

MIKULANINEC, CLAUDIA                  JONES, ENRICO                                                            WINSTON-SALEM

PATTI, CAMILLE                                      GAWLAS, DOROTA                                                     CHARLOTTE

PETERSON, MIA                                      TAKAHASHI, ERIC                                                        EDENTON

POLIMINE, DIANA                                 TRINH, THUHUONG                                                  DURHAM

RINKACS, THOMAS                               FAULKENBERRY, BRADFORD                                LAURINBURG

SCHALNAT, KIMBERLY                        ALEJANDRO, LUIS                                                       GREENSBORO

SCHMITT, HOLLY                                   RISSMILLER, SCOTT                                                   CHARLOTTE

STARR, JVONNE                                      EZEIGBO, WALTER                                                      WINSTON SALEM

TROGDON, MONIKA                            TRINH, THUHUONG                                                  DURHAM

WAITE, KELLEY                                        TRINH, THUHUONG                                                  WINSTON-SALEM

WHITLEY, DEANNA                               MAH, HANS                                                                    KANNAPOLIS


Brewer, Wade Marion
Maine, Jeremy Ryan


Midwifery Joint Subcommittee Report

Thomas Hill, MD (NCMB); Mary Ann Fuchs, RN (NCBON); Nancy Bruton-Maree, RN

(NCBON); Maureen Darcey, RN, CNM; Elizabeth Korb, RN, CNM; Keith Nelson, MD; Peggy Robinson, PA-C, (NCMB); Dan Hudgins (NCBON) were present. George Saunders, MD, (NCMB) and Frank Harrison, MD, were absent.

1.     The meeting was called to order by Elizabeth Korb in the absence of Chair Maureen Darcey, who arrived late due to car problems.

2.     The Committee heard from several stakeholders in the gathering of information about the development of a proposed methodology for licensing certified professional midwives (CPM) in the state. These guest speakers were:

a.     Melanie Phelps, Associate General Counsel, North Carolina Medical Society – Ms. Phelps stated that the Society opposes the CPM licensing due to concerns over safety and educational issues.

b.     Jonathan B. Kotch, MD, professor in the Department of Maternal and Child Health of the Gillings School of Global Public Health at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Citing his health care experiences in the United Kingdom and statistical data, Dr. Kotch endorsed the new category of health care providers in the state.

c.     Jeff Horton, Director of the Division of Health Service Regulation, North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services – Mr. Horton outlined the licensing and oversight responsibilities of his division.

March 17-19, 2010

d. Caron Jones, CNM, chairwoman of the American College of Nurse MidwivesÕ North Carolina chapter – Ms. Jones outlined the various pathways to midwife certification nationwide.

3.   Committee members expressed their opinions on the CPM licensing issue to date. While they have heard numerous speakers, several members said they wanted additional stakeholders to speak and wanted to receive more data on the topic. Stakeholders from the N.C. Insurance Commission, trial lawyers and those who would perform home births were requested at a future meeting. Unbiased, statistical data on the CPMs in other states was requested. Information should include number of deliveries after licensing, infant mortality rates, etc.

4.   Maureen Darcey, Chair, said the requested additional stakeholders would be scheduled for the April meeting. Julie George, executive director of the NCBON, will work with staff and volunteers to gather the requested data.


Peggy Robinson, Chair; Thelma Lennon; George L. Saunders, III, MD

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

The Review (Complaint) Committee reported on thrity-one complaint cases. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public.

A motion passed to return to open session.


William Walker, MD, Chair; Dr. Thomas R. Hill, MD; Pamela Blizzard; Paul Camnitz, MD; Karen R. Gerancher, MD; Ralph C. Loomis, MD.

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

The Disciplinary (Complaints) Committee reported on three complaint cases. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public.

A motion passed to return to open session.

March 17-19, 2010


William Walker, MD, Chair; Dr. Thomas R. Hill, MD; Pamela Blizzard; Paul Camnitz, MD; Karen R. Gerancher, MD; Ralph C. Loomis, MD.

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

The Disciplinary (Malpractice) Committee reported on 52 cases. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.


A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

Fifteen informal interviews were conducted. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the recommendations and approved the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.


William Walker, MD, Chair; Dr. Thomas R. Hill, MD; Pamela Blizzard; Paul Camnitz, MD; Karen R. Gerancher, MD; Ralph C. Loomis, MD.

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

The Disciplinary (Investigative) Committee reported on 39 investigative cases. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.

March 17-19, 2010


Peggy Robinson, Chair; Thelma Lennon; George L. Saunders, III, MD

A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

The Review (Investigative) Committee reported on 31 investigative cases. A written report was presented for the BoardÕs review. The Board adopted the CommitteeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included because these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.


A motion passed to close the session pursuant to Section 143-318.11(a) of the North Carolina General Statutes to prevent the disclosure of information that is confidential pursuant to Sections 90-8, 90-14, 90-16, 90-21.22 of the North Carolina General Statutes and not considered a public record within the meaning of Chapter 132 of the General Statutes and/or to preserve attorney/client privilege.

The Board reviewed 35 cases involving participants in the NC Physicians Health Program. The Board adopted the committeeÕs recommendation to approve the written report. The specifics of this report are not included as these actions are not public information.

A motion passed to return to open session.


Members present were: Pamela Blizzard, Chair; George Saunders, MD; Janice Huff, MD; Michael Sheppa, MD, Medical Director; Hari Gupta, Director of Operations; Nancy Hemphill, Staff; Christina Apperson, Staff; Maureen Bedell, Staff and Amy Whited, NC Medical Society.

I.       ITEM 3(B): Administrative License for Non-Certification Work

Special Purpose License for Administrative Medicine

The Committee discussed the public meeting held March 16; considered feedback received from interested parties, and reviewed Dr. KirbyÕs recommendations in regard to the BoardÕs proposal to create a new Special Purpose License for Administrative Medicine. The Committee agreed that the administrative license proposal should not go forward, for two reasons: none of the persons it was intended to benefit are in favor of it; and it would not solve the problem the Board had identified at the 2009 Retreat, of how to deal with well- qualified applicants who do not fit the traditional model of clinically practicing physicians. The problem involved the BoardÕs interpretation of the two year Òcurrent competenceÓ statute, and the BoardÕs policy of requiring clinical reentry programs for all applicants out of clinical practice for more than two years. Dr. Sheppa noted that the two year standard was decided by a nationally-recognized group of experts who studied the issue for years.

March 17-19, 2010

Instead, the Committee recommends that the Board consider initial license applications and reactivation requests of inactive licensees on an individual basis. If an applicant demonstrates Òcurrent competenceÓ as an administrative physician, the applicant shall not be required to do a clinically-based reentry plan and the Board can grant an immediate license. In determining Òcurrent competenceÓ the Board shall consider all the usual criteria, including Board certification, years of experience, CME, etc.

The Committee recommends contacting by email or publication on the website those administrative medicine physicians who are known to have requested licensure, and have rejected the BoardÕs offer of Special Permits with Consent Agreements, and any physicians whose applications are still pending. The Board may consider contacting those physicians currently holding such limited licenses to see if they would like to obtain a full physician license instead.

The Best Practices Committee may continue to discuss the issue, in particular whether it is necessary to amend either the MPA (although the Committee believes it would be difficult to define Òadministrative medicineÓ)or the Position Statement on Reentry, and to consider how to include this thinking in a drafting a rule on reentry.

Board action:

On March 18, 2010 (11 to 1): Board will not proceed with Special Purpose License for Administrative Medicine. Instead, Board will review applications of "administrative physicians" individually to determine if they meet the 90-14(11a) standard of being "currently competent." If administrative physicians meet that standard, they will not have to craft and complete a clinical medicine reentry program. Board will publicize this policy change and alert physicians who may hold limited licenses for administrative medicine, in case those physicians would like to apply for full licensure.

II.         ITEM 2(B): Clinical Competence Assessments

While satisfied with the programs currently used by the Board for assessment, education and monitoring of licensees with personal and professional deficiencies, the Board heard a thirty minute presentation by Mr. Vin DiCianni, President of Affiliated Monitors, Inc. of Boston, concerning that organizationÕs expertise in facilitating assessment of licensees in their own practice environment.

III.        ITEM 3(C): One-on-One vs. Split Board Interviews/Licensing
This will be discussed at the May 2010 meeting.


This meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m., March 19, 2010.

William A. Walker, MD

March 17-19, 2010